Online Training Instructions


When you select an online training exam enter the pertinent information prior to starting the course.  At the end of the course be sure to print the course results to document the completion of the course.  Below are examples of online training review challenges.  Return to homepage.

A True/False Question is a statement that is either true or false, followed by two choices. There is only one correct answer.

A Multiple Choice Question has only one correct answer.

A Multiple Response Question has any number of choices correct.

A Fill in the Blank Question has a blank field where you type in your answer.  

A Word Bank Question is a question where you drag-and-drop the correct answer into the empty text box.

A Matching Drag and Drop Question is a question that allows you to drag and drop items in the second column to match items in the first column.

A Matching Drop-Down Question is a question that allows you to select items from drop-down menus to match items in the first column.

A Sequence Drag and Drop Question is a question that allows you to drag and drop items to arrange in sequence.

A Sequence Drop-down Question is a question that allows you to select items from drop-down menus to arrange in sequence.

A Numeric Question is a question that allows you to enter the correct numeric value.

A Hotspot Question is a question that allows you to click on the correct area within the image. There is only one correct answer to this type of question.


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